Stranded and ready to mingle, flirty singles search for love on a deserted island, they can only escape as couples for romantic date nights in paradise. (Source: Netflix) Edit Translation
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- Native Title: 솔로지옥 시즌1
- Also Known As: Single’s Inferno 1 , Solo Hell 1 , Solrojiok 1 , Solrojiok Sijeun 1 , 솔로지옥1
- Genres: Romance
Where to Watch Single’s Inferno Season 1
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Cast & Credits
- Lee Da Hee Main Host
- Cho Kyu Hyun Main Host
- Hong Jin Kyung Main Host
- Jung Han Hae Main Host
- Choi Si Hun[Participant]Regular Member
- Kim Hyun Joong[Participant]Regular Member
This review may contain spoilers
pretty faces, no value.
overall, boring. i mean, i did like that in some ways, but there shouldve been more to it.
considering this show takes place on an island you think they would take advantage of their surroundings and maybe go on hikes or zip lining, or challenges for contestants like surfing or something. instead there were like three “challenges” where they ran into the water or push each other around in mud. all of the contestants also just stay on the beach and complain how hot it is all day. which btw, how will they call this hell when everything is provided for them and there aren’t any actual hardships besides lack of phone lol. like why didnt they have them explore together or do something challenging?
it felt like i was mostly just watching them have excessively deep convos about their feelings for each other. it’s ridiculous how attached they get to other contestants because theyd have been there for a day and theyre obsessed. i wish the series had taken longer so the relationships made more sense. and none of the contestants were sincere, it was clear they were there to promote their social medias or business. the ones that were sincere had no screen time.
as for the commentators, they kept trying to make drama where there wasn’t any. like a zoomed in shot of someone’s face suddenly meant that they were torn apart on the inside. plus, they kept excusing a lot of the male contestants behavior, calling sehoon admirable for chasing after jiyeon even though she stated she didnt like him.
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Dating show with k-drama plot quality.
The show was weirdly addicting, even though it was far softer compared to western dating shows. The focus on the feelings and not just sexual attraction made the stakes higher, even though I knew it’s all over the top behavior. They knew each other for 8 days, how much in love can they truly be?The aspect that was for me as interesting as the show itself was the audience reaction. The double standards we had were strong, and it has been just hilarious to watch. JiA playing all the guys? Queen. Jin Taek showing interest in someone else, because he was not sure about the feelings for his first pick? Trash. So Yeon being true to her feelings and saying what she wants to say: honest and caring. Se Hoon being true to his feelings and saying what he wants to say: egoistic and selfish. And the same story happened with a lot of male and female contestants.
Truth is, the female contestants are not unproblematic queens that deserve better. They were all just normal people, who barely knew each other and had no obligation to stay loyal to anyone just because they picked them once. They guys were not trash, there were no red flags, we are all just hypersensitive about the most basic and normal behavior.
As entertaining as the show was, I had few complaints. First, it was way too short. I would say adding at least 2 more episodes would be better. Keep the 8 days format, but getting 2 episodes per day would be ideal. It would make it easier to understand the relations between contestants and understand their choices. I feel like sometimes we just missed the context, because it was never shown on screen.
Another thing was adding new contestants so late. If they decided to stir the pot, they should have added them after the first date - long term it would create more tension that they wanted, and not last minute cheap “twists”. Not to mention the idiocy of casting Cha Hyun Seung, when he knew few contestants, which goes against everything these shows are about (and the “not knowing each other's age and profession).
Overall, I had a lot of fun. My favorite person was An Ye Wow - the only one who took the show for what it was: a little bit of fun adventure. Everyone was so serious, as if they were about to get married the moment the program ended, while she was just having fun meeting new people and enjoying herself. The best chemistry for me was between Hyun Joong, So Yeon and Se Hoon - these three were such an underrated comedic trio who radiated best friends vibe, I wish we could just watch them chilling and joking around a bit more. Best thing was: I did not really feel bad for anyone. Picking extremely good looking, popular, successful people makes me take their love hardships less seriously. “Oh no, this hot dude in his mid 20’ just got rejected for the first time in his life, what a tragedy”.
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