[Delete all]
Reason for deletion: HIStory is divided into 3 stories, namely "My Hero", "Obsessed" & "Stay With Me", same goes with HIStory2 & HIStory3. We tend to add the drama per story, like we add "HIStory: My Hero" on our list if we have watched this specific story. So there's no need to add just the "HIStory" page alone on our list, it will be redundant (see link I posted above for Deletion). Thank you for working hard & keep up the good work! :)
The pages you want to be deleted shouldn't be reported. They are anthology/ mother/ main pages. We have many of them on MDL and they are important both for the staff and the users in keeping track of the stories under them.
Users are free to add only the main page if they watched all of the stories under it, add only the story(ies) they watched or add both the main page and the stories under it.