Five young warriors from an ancient civilization of Dinosaur-evolved Humans are awakened during the present day after 170 million years of suspended animation when their sworn enemy, Bandora the Witch, is inadvertently released from her magical container on Planet Nemesis by two astronauts. The five warriors, the Zyurangers, must summon the power of mechanical-looking deities known as Guardian Beasts, each modeled after a different prehistoric beast, in order to protect mankind from Bandora's evil forces. A sixth warrior, Burai the Dragon Ranger, later becomes involved in the conflict between the Zyurangers and Bandora's forces. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- Deutsch
- Italiano
- Français
- Native Title: 恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー
- Also Known As: Galaxy Rangers , Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
- Director: Amemiya Keita, Watanabe Katsuya, Sakamoto Taro
- Screenwriter: Arakawa Naruhisa, Inoue Toshiki, Takaku Susumu, Sugimura Noboru
- Genres: Adventure, Tokusatsu, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Where to Watch Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
Free (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Fujiwara HidekiEtof Tribe Knight DanMain Role
- Hashimoto TakumiDaim Tribe Knight BoiMain Role
- Chiba ReikoRisha Tribe Princess MeiMain Role
- Umon SeijuSharma Tribe Knight GoshiMain Role
- Izumi ShiroYamato Tribe Knight BuraiMain Role
- Mochizuki YuutaYamato Tribe Prince GekiMain Role