Paired together for an unforgettable trip across Asia, stars Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu become buddies as they connect with fans and local cultures. (Source: Netflix) Edit Translation
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If you like Amazing Race, you will like this :)
My hubby and I completed all 8 episodes today, with our faces smiling wide at the last episode.To give a short intro, the two celebs are Jasper Liu (Taiwanese) and Lee Seung Gi (S Korean). Both are them are literally like duck and chicken as they arent fluent with each other's languages, so they converse in a mix of Mandarin/Korean and English.
The premise of the show is for the two guys to travel to different places in Asia to meet some of their lucky fans. But, before they are able to meet the particular fan in one location, they have to undergo various missions to gather clues which will allow them to get to their fan's house. Sounds easy enough, but obviously, things arent easy at fact, it is quite Amazing Race like :)
It is really interesting to see them start off awkwardly as fellow travellers, see them bonding thru thick and thin, bromance and rivalry, and then ending as travelling brothers and good friends towards the end of the show.
If you are into food, travel, stunning visuals and filmography which center around our Asian celeb travelers (first timers most times in the different locations), then you should watch this show. I especially love the segments where the show's missions require the two celebs to interact with the locals (and international tourists as well).
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Adding this series to his list of great work is such great accomplishment for him.
Jasper on the other hand looks like a really nice guy with great personality. It's my first time seeing him but i started to be a fan and will definitely look for his dramas.
This show is so much fan to watch and the way they spend the day together though sometimes language gets in the way, is really amazing and exciting. The rush through the challenges and the excitement in getting the time or beating the time to meet the fan: It's amazing.
They can be bestfriends for sure. Each of them are learning from each other. Weather its the language or each others personal life.
This show is a great tool or flatform to be close to their fans.. I envy those who they visited. Given a chance.. I would love to be visited too!!!
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