Na Mi fondly recalls her childhood pal Chun Hwa, who befriended her as the ostracized, new girl in school, welcoming her into a clique nicknamed “Sunny.” Together, they survive tumultuous ’80s Seoul and vow to remain together forever. Now a housewife with an ungrateful teenage daughter and trapped in a stale marriage to a wealthy but unaffectionate husband, Na Mi long ago lost touch with the six girls from whom she was once inseparable, torn apart by circumstance. But one day while visiting her mother at the hospital she encounters Chun Hwa, who is now terminally ill. As the two renew their relationship and reminisce, Chun Hwa implores Na Mi to bring the scattered group together one last time. Featuring an ’80s pop hits soundtrack, this heartwarming film will alternately make you laugh and cry as these long-lost friends discover they can still change one another’s lives. (Source: CJ Entertainment) Edit Translation
- English
- Português (Brasil)
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 써니
- Also Known As: Sseoni
- Screenwriter: Lee Byung Hun
- Screenwriter & Director: Kang Hyung Chul
- Genres: Comedy, Life, Drama, Melodrama
Cast & Credits
- Shim Eun KyungIm Na Mi [Teen]Main Role
- Kang So RaHa Chun Hwa [Teen]Main Role
- Kim Min YoungKim Jang Mi [Teen]Main Role
- Park Jin JooHwang Jin Hee [Teen]Main Role
- Min Hyo RinYoung Su Ji [Teen]Main Role
- Nam Bo RaSeo Geum Ok [Teen]Main Role

It's about a friendship between seven really different teenage girls that survives throughout time. It's a story about love and loyalty and how sweet memories can taste so that you smile every time you think about them. Everyone of us has those memories.
So this movie is about the real life. About the best times of our lifes. After watching it your heart will feel full, I promise.

This movie is about friendship and it is very close to reality. I think that is why it made me cry so much, both happy and sad tears. It made me miss my friends and made me wonder what will happen in the future.
The story is really good! The way they switched between past and present was really cool and the movie was very well directed. The costumes and music of the past were done really well. The camera work was really good. And it was a lot of fun to watch.
The acting was very good, of both teen and adult actors. I saw Sora for the first time on We Got Married. She's completely different from how she was there! Here she is a bad-ass leader of Sunny and I loved her! The other girls were pretty good too. Na Mi reminded me somewhat of Velma from Scooby Doo :P
They cast the adult actors pretty well too. The faces matched and it was like they were the older versions of the teen actors. So props to the casting directors for doing such a good job. Also, the situations in which all of the characters were, were very real. That's what I loved the most about this movie, it was very close to reality.
Either Kim Shi Hoo-ssi loves to play characters from the past or he has that kind of a face that the directors cast him as a 80s boy. He played the same kind of role in Love Rain and I was pleasantly surprised to see him in this movie. The crush thing was so cute! It brought back memories of my first crush :P
I would highly recommend this movie even if you don't watch Asian movies. This movie is really well done, the acting is really good, the story is amazing and touching and it is definitely worth your while.